We are getting pretty close to our first wildlife sighting; Sunday morning we found moose dropping all over our side walk. By the time we got back from church there was another pile. Today we heard some suspicious noises coming from the woods; we wanted to check it out, but the risk of being trampled is currently high.
We experienced our first "ice rain" today; Alaska roads are constantly icy, they don't lay salt on the roads but instead lay sand/gravel. Imagine the whole road being black ice; thats normal, but with the rain last night and this morning there was a sheet of ice over absolutely everything.
It looks like a clear truck bed liner over the whole vehicle |
Many drivers are idiots and cars filled up the ditches. Daniela, was caught in traffic on the way to the base for almost an hour; when she got there they announced that the base was closed due to driving conditions. The university of Alaska was also closed. Walking out to the car, even the packed snow was like uneven ice. Daniela is lucky enough to have the garage so that she did not have to shave the ice off the car- as for the envoy, different story.